Novella News: RIPPLES
Something bad happened to me on 28 July 2000. It’s a day that has never passed in the years since without bringing That Thing That Happened to my mind. I’m glad to report that time has brought a lot of…
Eva Reads About Andrew Jackson
And finally it came time to read about Andrew Jackson. I knew little about Jackson, and most of what I did know stemmed from a few lines of a song my dad used to randomly burst out singing: WELL…
Eva Reads About John Quincy Adams
And today we have JOHN QUINCY ADAMS. John Quincy Adams Harlow Giles Unger No matter how lousy JQA may have been as a president, I really, REALLY found myself liking him as a person, and in his other official capacities…
Eva Reads About James Monroe
I’m back, finally, with more PRESIDENTIAL UPDATES. Today: James Monroe: A Life Tim McGrath I really enjoyed this one. It took me a while to access the audio, hence the delay in continuing this series, but this was a great…
“The War in Our Hearts”: NEW COVER REVEAL TIME
Do YOU love historical fiction? WORLD WAR ONE? CINNAMON ROLL SCOTSMEN? More importantly, DO YOU LIKE MY NEW COVER? I am so excited to share this with the world; I’ve been sitting on it for what feels like forever (what…
Eva Reads About James Madison
I only read one book about James Madison. There were a few to choose from, but I opted for the longest one I could find. The Three Lives of James Madison Noah Feldman It took me a really, really long…
Historical Fiction Debuts in 2020
I am super excited to welcome more up-and-coming historical debut authors to the wild and wonderful world of publishing. I can’t wait to get my hands on these new titles! *To order/preorder, click on the title. *For more information about…
Eva Reads About Thomas Jefferson
After the relative dearth of available books about John Adams, it was fun to have more options again with Thomas Jefferson. I already mentioned Friends Divided in my last post about John Adams, so I won’t repeat that one here.…
Eva’s Year in Books 2019: Installment Four
This got delayed by lots of things! But, three months later (eeee), here is the next installment of my 2019 sum-up! Installment Four will cover my favourite non-fiction reads (that I haven’t already mentioned in Installment One and Two) as…
Eva’s Year in Books 2019: Installment Three
Today’s post will focus on fiction favourites I read in 2019, from middle grade to adult. Middle Grade Fiction Al Capone Does My Shirts / Al Capone Shines My Shoes / Al Capone Does My Homework / Al Capone Throws…